connectives 連詞
標點符號位置 | |
It was late. However, I didn't care. | S.+V. . trans, S. + V. |
It was late; however, I didn't care. | S.+V. ; trans, S. + V. |
It was late. I, however, didn't care. | S.+V. . S. ,trans, V. |
It was late. I didn't care, however. | S.+V. . S. + V, trans. |
I. Expressing cause and effect 表因果
A.片語型/介係詞型 (+n. / 名詞子句)
1. 名詞
(1) because of +n.
due to +n.
(2) because of the fact that S.+V.
due to the fact that S.+V.
(1) wh-word S.+V.
ex: I am upset because of what he said.
(2) whether or not S.+V.
if or not
ex: I am not certain about whether he was telling the truth.
(3) that S.+V.
ex: We stayed home because of that it was raining.
(錯誤結構: prep. + that S.+V. → prep. the fact + that S.+V.)
ex: I was not aware of that I was supposed to bring the passport for identification.
(錯誤結構: prep. + that S.+V.)
1. so adj./adv. that S.+V.
(cause) (effect)
ex: She spoke so fast that I could hardly understand her.
2. such adj.+n. that S.+V.
(cause) (effect)
3. so 數量詞+n. that S.+V.
(cause) (effect)
*數量詞: many/much/ few/ little/
ex: Tony has so much work to do that he is always busy.
II. Expressing Purpose 表目的
1. S. + V. + in order that + S. + could (*that 不可省略)
2. S. + V. + so (that) + S. + could/ can/ would/ won't/ don't
(*1. that 表目的可省略 2. so that 非附屬連接詞,不用遵守「現在式代替未來式」的規則)
ex: I' ll take my umbrella so that I won't get wet.
I' ll take my umbrella so that I don't get wet.
3. S. + V. + so (that) + S. + V. (表目的)
ex: I borrowed some money so (that) I could pay the water bill.
4. S. + V. , so + S. + V. (表結果)
ex: I didn't have enough money, so I didn't pay the water bill.
III. Showing Contrast 表對比
A. Unexpected Result
(1) transition 副詞型連詞
ex: It was cold. Neverthless, I went jogging.
It was raining. However, I still went jogging.
(2) preposition 介係詞型連詞
ex: I went jogging despite / in spite of the rain.
I went jogging despite the fact / in spite of the fact that it rain.
ex: ... despite the fact that it rained. (句子頭重腳輕)
→ ... despite the rained. (寫這樣即可,避免句子頭重腳輕。)
→ ... despite the fact that it rained cats and dogs in this morning. (或加上方式或時間)
(3) subordinate conjunction 附屬連接詞
ex: I went jogging even though it was cold.
(4) coordinate conjunction 對等連接詞
ex: It was cold, but/ yet I still went jogging.
B. Direct Contrast
IV. Expressing Conditions 表條件
V. Adding Information 補充訊息
adv. | In addition, S. + V. | |
Additionally, S. + V. | ||
prep. | In addition to +n, S. + V. | In addition to teaching, Mr. Chen also writes book reviews. |
VI. Giving an Example 補充範例