connectives 連詞

It was late. However, I didn't care. S.+V. . trans, S. + V.
It was late; however, I didn't care. S.+V. ; trans, S. + V.
It was late. I, however, didn't care. S.+V. . S. ,trans, V.
It was late. I didn't care, however S.+V. . S. + Vtrans




I. Expressing cause and effect 表因果

A.片語型/介係詞型 (+n. / 名詞子句)

1. 名詞

(1) because of +n. 

      due to +n.

(2) because of the fact that S.+V.

     due to the fact that S.+V.


(1) wh-word S.+V.

ex: I am upset because of what he said.

(2) whether or not S.+V.

      if or not

ex: I am not certain about whether he was telling the truth.

(3) that S.+V.

ex: We stayed home because of that it was raining
 (錯誤結構: prep. + that S.+V.prep.  the fact + that S.+V.)

ex: I was not aware of that I was supposed to bring the passport for identification.
 (錯誤結構: prep. + that S.+V.)



1. so adj./adv. that S.+V.
    (cause)         (effect)

ex: She spoke so fast that I could hardly understand her.

2. such adj.+n. that S.+V.
    (cause)         (effect)

3. so 數量詞+n. that S.+V.
    (cause)         (effect)

*數量詞: many/much/ few/ little/

ex: Tony has so much work to do that he is always busy.

II. Expressing Purpose 表目的

1.   S. + V. + in order that + S.  + could    (*that 不可省略)

2.   S. + V. + so (that) + S.  + could/ can/ would/ won't/ don't   

 (*1. that 表目的可省略    2. so that 非附屬連接詞,不用遵守「現在式代替未來式」的規則)

ex: I' ll take my umbrella so that I won't get wet.

    I' ll take my umbrella so that I don't get wet.                                             

3.    S. + V. + so (that) + S.  + V.  (表目的)

ex: I borrowed some money so (that) I could pay the water bill.

4.    S. + V. , so  + S.  + V.  (表結果)

ex: I didn't have enough money, so I didn't pay the water bill.

III. Showing Contrast 表對比

A. Unexpected Result

(1) transition 副詞型連詞

ex: It was cold. Neverthless, I went jogging.

     It was raining. However, I still went jogging.

(2) preposition 介係詞型連詞

ex: I went jogging despite / in spite of the rain.

     I went jogging despite the fact / in spite of the fact that it rain.

ex: ... despite the fact that it rained.  (句子頭重腳輕)

... despite the rained. (寫這樣即可,避免句子頭重腳輕。)

 ... despite the fact that it rained cats and dogs in this morning. (或加上方式或時間)

(3) subordinate conjunction 附屬連接詞

ex: I went jogging even though it was cold.

(4) coordinate conjunction 對等連接詞

ex: It was cold, but/ yet I still went jogging.


B. Direct Contrast



IV. Expressing Conditions 表條件

V. Adding Information 補充訊息

adv. In addition, S. + V.  
Additionally, S. + V.  
prep. In addition to +n, S. + V. In addition to teaching, Mr. Chen also writes book reviews.

VI. Giving an Example 補充範例

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