AAbout the characteristics of Communicative Language Teaching, which statement is NOT true?
(A)Lessons are more teacher-centered.
(B) Pair work and group work are emphasized.
(C) Proponents of Communicative Language Teaching advocate the use of authentic materials.
(D)Activities are designed for students to produce meaningful and real communication.
A Which of the following statements about speaking proficiency is correct?
(A)Sociolinguistic competence enables learners to encode and decode the discourse around them.
(B) Grammar competence is concerned with intersentential relationship.
(C) Strategic competence involves the rules and norms governing the realization of speech acts.
(D)Discourse competence is the way learners manipulate language in order to meet communicative goals.
Which of the following statements about speaking proficiency is correct?
(B)Discourse competence is concerned with intersentential relationship.
(C) Strategic competence involves the rules and norms governing the realization of speech acts.
(D)Sociolinguistic competence is the way learners manipulate language in order to meet communicative goals.
Language proficiency or linguistic proficiency is the ability of an individual to speak or perform in a language.
CLT(communicative language teaching)認為,語言包含了溝通能力和語言所處的文化社會意涵,其功用則包括了
- 功能性(functional; 指用言語和他人互動)
- 規範性(regulatory; 指用言語限制他人行動)
- 互動性(interactional; 指用言語和他人互動)
- 想像性(imaginative; 指用言語創造出想像世界)
- 再現性(representative; 指用言語溝通、呈現訊息)
- (B)文法能力(grammatical competence,也就是字彙、構詞、語法的能力)
- 社會性語言能力(sociolinguistic competence,指對溝通者本身的角色、說 / 聽者雙方所共同知道的背景資訊、以及溝通互動之意旨等的瞭解)
- (D)言談能力(discourse competence,指如何根據聽 / 說者雙方間的關係來闡釋訊息、如何將意義呈現等之能力)
- (C)溝通策略能力(strategic competence,只指如何開始、終止、延續或修正溝通過程的能力)。
Communicative Competence
In 1980, the applied linguists Canale and Swain published an influential article in which they argued that the ability to communicate required four different sub-competencies:
- grammatical (ability to create grammatically correct utterances),
- sociolinguistic (ability to produce sociolinguistically appropriate utterances),
- discourse (ability to produce coherent and cohesive utterances), and
- strategic (ability to solve communication problems as they arise).
A Jigsaw Task
A jigsaw task is a specific kind of information gap task, that is, a task that requires learners to communicate with each other in order to fill in missing information and to integrate it with other information. For example, in the video, the students are not aware that their note cards contain a communicative problem (e.g. a violation of prescriptive grammar, ambiguous reference, etc.) that indicates a deficiency in one of the sub-competencies of "communicative competence."
Communicative Competence
Communicative language teaching involves developing language proficiency through interactions embedded in meaningful contexts. This approach to teaching provides authentic opportunities for learning that go beyond repetition and memorization of grammatical patterns in isolation. A central concept of the communicative approach to language teaching is communicative competence: the learner’s ability to understand and use language appropriately to communicate in authentic (rather than simulated) social and school environments.
The table below illustrates how each communicative area contributes to communicative competence.