B Phonemic awareness is both a prerequisite for and a consequence of learning to read in English. Which of the following is NOT the part of phonemic awareness training?
(A) Ask a child what sound the words sit, sand, and sock have in common.
(B) Segment the sounds in a word such as sit (/s/ /i/ /t/) and spell it out.
(C) Listen to these word parts. Say the word as a whole. Ta…ble ---What’s the word? (table)
(D) Replace the first sound in mat with /s/. (sat)


D Phonemic Awareness (PA) refers to the ability to focus on and manipulate phonemes in spoken words and several tasks are used to teach and to assess children’s PA. One of it requires breaking a word into its sounds by positioning a marker for each sound, for example, “How many phonemes in ship?” (3: /š/ /I/ /p/). The task is called _______.
(A) phoneme isolation
(B) phoneme identity
(C) phoneme categorization
(D) phoneme segmentation


C Phonological awareness refers to______________ .
(A) the ways words are formed and relate to each other
(B) the key to understanding the logic of the alphabetic principle
(C) the general ability to attend to the sounds of language
(D) the idea that letters in words usually stand for specific sounds


Phonemic awareness is both a prerequisite for and a consequence of learning to read in English. Which of the following is NOT the part of phonemic awareness training?
(A) Ask a child what sound the words sit, sand, and sock have in common. phonemic awareness----isolating sounds
(B)Segment the sounds in a word such as sit (/s/ /i/ /t/)  phonemic awareness----segmenting sounds

Segment the sounds in a word such as sit (/s/ /i/ /t/) and spell it out phonics
(C) Listen to these word parts. Say the word as a whole. Ta…ble ---What’s the word? (table)phonemic awareness----blending sounds

(D) Replace the first sound in mat with /s/. (sat)phonemic awareness----substituting sounds


Phonological awareness refers to______________ .
(A) the ways words are formed and relate to each other   morphology構詞學
(B) the key to understanding the logic of the alphabetic principle   phonics
(C) the general ability to attend to the sounds of language
(D) the idea that letters in words usually stand for specific sounds   allophone同位異音


Phonemic awareness音素覺識 / phonological awarenes音韻覺識







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