This is 3D pack’s bag, cotton thread and label were all made from cornstarch and printed with soy-based ink. It is natural, toxin-free, environmentally friend and biodegradable.

玉米澱粉 大豆油墨 無毒 環保可分解


How To Brew


  1. Pour 250 c.c. of water into the cup and the recommended brewing temperature are as show below

Green Tea 85

Black Tea 90

Oriental Beauty Tea 東方美人茶 85

  1. Steeping tea bag for 90 seconds.
  2. Remove the tea bag, relax and enjoy. (For the second round allow the tea leaves to steep for an extra 180 seconds.)




Peel off the label and cotton thread. Put the tea bag into 300c.c. bottle of water or preferred container and gentle shake few times. Put in refrigerator, steep for 6-8 hours. (No not steep over 24 hours)



*Please adjust the steeping time or amount of tea bags for personal preferences.



High-quality tender buds and leaves from pristine tea farm retain its original emerald green color and retain their natural flavor even after brewing. It has a refreshing flavor with a hint of seaweed. The fragrance of the tea continues to linger on the palate.

嫩芽茶菁 無汙染茶園 碧綠顏色 自然原味

A hint of : small amount of sth



Tea buds have been fed upon by the tea leafhopper, so the tea has a natural fruity fragrance. The red tea is smooth and sweet. It can be brewed for a long time without turning bitter.

小綠葉蟬 天然蜜果香氣


The unique natural ecology of tea farms provide a perfect habitat for the tea leafhopper. Tea buds that the leafhopper had fed upon are thoroughly fermented in the traditional manner. The tea has a unique fruity fragrance and feels smooth on the tongue. It has refreshing taste that endures.



Ferment     (v.)

Fermented   (a.)

Fermentation (n.)


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